
Everything related to DevOps and the cloud.

Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) Reporting

We can track dependencies, libraries, open source components and licenses that are present in the environment by integrating SBOM generation into our build pipelines.

Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) Dependency-Check

We integrate OWASP Dependency-Check into an Azure pipeline without the use of a marketplace extension.

Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) Automated Penetration Testing

We'll delve into setting up an Azure pipeline to integrate OWASP ZAP scans into your development process, ensuring the better security of your web applications.

Microsoft Azure – Explore Alerts

Azure Alerts is an essential monitoring tool for your Azure workloads. In this blog post we will cover the fundamentals of Azure Alerts along with an end to end automated deployment.

Azure Pipelines – Route Table Creation

We will setup an Azure DevOps pipeline that runs on a schedule. The pipeline will execute a PowerShell script that looks for the latest ServiceTags file from Microsoft. The script will create a new Route Table and apply it to subnets specified.

Azure Pipelines – Network Security Group Backup

In some cases it could make sense to use some automated mechanism to export the NSGs on a regular basis for tracking/backup purposes. This blog will show you how to perform such a task.

Azure Classic Pipelines – IIS Deployments Using Deployment Groups

In this post we will walk through an automated Internet Information Services (IIS) deployment using Deployment Groups in Azure DevOps.

Azure Pipelines – IIS Deployments Using Environments

In this post we will walk through an automated Internet Information Services (IIS) deployment using Environments in Azure DevOps.

Microsoft Azure – Deploy Resource Locks Using Policy

In this post we'll cover the automated creation of resource locks for specific resources using Azure Policy.

Microsoft Azure – Explore Policy

Azure Policy keeps track of compliance for your Azure resources based on policy definitions you assign. In this blog post we will cover the fundamentals.